PHP and MySQL Web Development

Upgrade your Web Development skills! Learn how to create dynamic and data-driven web applications.

(Pearson-PHP-MYSQL-complete) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-045-7
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About This Course

The PHP and MySQL training course equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to create innovative and dynamic websites. It is a step-by-step study guide that focuses on the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL to create interactive, database-driven sites. The course has a comprehensive curriculum covering everything from basic syntax to implementing advanced features. Additionally, it has been embedded with engaging multimedia resources, quizzes, flashcards and hands-on exercises to reinforce your learning. By the end of this course, you’ll be skilled to create simple websites as well as complex e-commerce platforms and content management systems.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Understanding of core syntax: PHP, variables, data types, control structures, and functions
  • Expertise in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): create classes, and objects, and implement inheritance and polymorphism
  • Manipulate files, directories, and the file system
  • Session control and management
  • Design relational databases using MySQL
  • Skilled in data manipulation: Insert, retrieve, update, and delete 
  • Expert in writing SQL queries for various database operations
  • Ability to integrate PHP and MySQL databases
  • Skilled in dynamic content generation and form processing 
  • Identify and troubleshoot issues in PHP code and MySQL queries

Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.



  • Why You Should Read This Book
  • What You Will Learn from This Book
  • What Is PHP?
  • What Is MySQL?
  • Why Use PHP and MySQL?
  • Some of PHP's Strengths
  • Some of MySQL's Strengths
  • What Is New in MySQL (8.x)?
  • How Is This Book Organized?
  • Finally

PHP Crash Course

  • Before You Begin: Accessing PHP
  • Creating a Sample Application: Bob's Auto Parts
  • Embedding PHP in HTML
  • Adding Dynamic Content
  • Accessing Form Variables
  • Understanding Identifiers
  • Examining Variable Types
  • Declaring and Using Constants
  • Understanding Variable Scope
  • Using Operators
  • Working Out the Form Totals
  • Understanding Precedence and Associativity
  • Using Variable Handling Functions
  • Making Decisions with Conditionals
  • Repeating Actions Through Iteration
  • Breaking Out of a Control Structure or Script
  • Employing Alternative Control Structure Syntax
  • Using declare
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Storing and Retrieving Data

  • Saving Data for Later
  • Storing and Retrieving Bob's Orders
  • Processing Files
  • Opening a File
  • Writing to a File
  • Closing a File
  • Reading from a File
  • Using Other File Functions
  • Locking Files
  • A Better Way: Databases
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Arrays

  • What Is an Array?
  • Numerically Indexed Arrays
  • Arrays with Different Indices
  • Array Operators
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • Sorting Multidimensional Arrays
  • Reordering Arrays
  • Loading Arrays from Files
  • Performing Other Array Manipulations
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

  • Creating a Sample Application: Smart Form Mail
  • Formatting Strings
  • Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions
  • Comparing Strings
  • Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions
  • Introducing Regular Expressions
  • Finding Substrings with Regular Expressions
  • Replacing Substrings with Regular Expressions
  • Splitting Strings with Regular Expressions
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Reusing Code and Writing Functions

  • The Advantages of Reusing Code
  • Using require() and include()
  • Using Functions in PHP
  • Defining Your Own Functions
  • Examining Basic Function Structure
  • Using Parameters
  • Understanding Scope
  • Passing by Reference Versus Passing by Value
  • Using the return Keyword
  • Implementing Recursion
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Object-Oriented PHP

  • Understanding Object-Oriented Concepts
  • Creating Classes, Attributes, and Operations in PHP
  • Instantiating Classes
  • Using Class Attributes
  • Calling Class Operations
  • Controlling Access with private and public
  • Writing Accessor Functions
  • Implementing Inheritance in PHP
  • Using Traits
  • Designing Classes
  • Writing the Code for Your Class
  • Understanding Advanced Object-Oriented Functionality in PHP
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Error and Exception Handling

  • Exception Handling Concepts
  • The Exception Class
  • User-Defined Exceptions
  • Exceptions in Bob's Auto Parts
  • Exceptions and PHP's Other Error Handling Mechanisms
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Designing Your Web Database

  • Relational Database Concepts
  • Designing Your Web Database
  • Web Database Architecture
  • Further Reading
  • Next

Creating Your Web Database

  • Using the MySQL Monitor
  • Logging In to MySQL
  • Creating Databases and Users
  • Setting Up Users and Privileges
  • Introducing MySQL's Privilege System
  • Setting Up a User for the Web
  • Using the Right Database
  • Creating Database Tables
  • Understanding MySQL Identifiers
  • Choosing Column Data Types
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Working with Your MySQL Database

  • What Is SQL?
  • Inserting Data into the Database
  • Retrieving Data from the Database
  • Updating Records in the Database
  • Altering Tables After Creation
  • Deleting Records from the Database
  • Dropping Tables
  • Dropping a Whole Database
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP

  • How Web Database Architectures Work
  • Querying a Database from the Web
  • Putting New Information in the Database
  • Using Other PHP-Database Interfaces
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Advanced MySQL Administration

  • Understanding the Privilege System in Detail
  • Making Your MySQL Database Secure
  • Getting More Information About Databases
  • Optimizing Your Database
  • Backing Up Your MySQL Database
  • Restoring Your MySQL Database
  • Implementing Replication
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Advanced MySQL Programming

  • The LOAD DATA INFILE Statement
  • Storage Engines
  • Transactions
  • Foreign Keys
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Web Application Security Risks

  • Identifying the Threats We Face
  • Understanding Who We're Dealing With
  • Next

Building a Secure Web Application

  • Strategies for Dealing with Security
  • Securing Your Code
  • Securing Your Web Server and PHP
  • Database Server Security
  • Protecting the Network
  • Computer and Operating System Security
  • Disaster Planning
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Implementing Authentication Methods with PHP

  • Identifying Visitors
  • Implementing Access Control
  • Using Basic Authentication
  • Using Basic Authentication in PHP
  • Using Basic Authentication with Apache's .htaccess Files
  • Creating Your Own Custom Authentication
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Interacting with the File System and the Server

  • Uploading Files
  • Using Directory Functions
  • Interacting with the File System
  • Using Program Execution Functions
  • Interacting with the Environment: getenv() and putenv()
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Network and Protocol Functions

  • Examining Available Protocols
  • Sending and Reading Email
  • Using Data from Other Websites
  • Using Network Lookup Functions
  • Backing Up or Mirroring a File
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Managing the Date and Time

  • Getting the Date and Time from PHP
  • Converting Between PHP and MySQL Date Formats
  • Calculating Dates in PHP
  • Calculating Dates in MySQL
  • Using Microseconds
  • Using the Calendar Functions
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Internationalization and Localization

  • Localization Is More than Translation
  • Understanding Character Sets
  • Creating a Basic Localizable Page Structure
  • Using gettext() in an Internationalized Application
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Generating Images

  • Setting Up Image Support in PHP
  • Understanding Image Formats
  • Creating Images
  • Using Automatically Generated Images in Other Pages
  • Using Text and Fonts to Create Images
  • Drawing Figures and Graphing Data
  • Using Other Image Functions
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Session Control in PHP

  • What Is Session Control?
  • Understanding Basic Session Functionality
  • Implementing Simple Sessions
  • Creating a Simple Session Example
  • Configuring Session Control
  • Implementing Authentication with Session Control
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Integrating JavaScript and PHP

  • Understanding AJAX
  • A Brief Introduction to jQuery
  • Using jQuery in Web Applications
  • Using jQuery and AJAX with PHP
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Other Useful Features

  • Evaluating Strings: eval()
  • Terminating Execution: die() and exit()
  • Serializing Variables and Objects
  • Getting Information About the PHP Environment
  • Temporarily Altering the Runtime Environment
  • Highlighting Source Code
  • Using PHP on the Command Line
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects

  • Applying Software Engineering to Web Development
  • Planning and Running a Web Application Project
  • Reusing Code
  • Writing Maintainable Code
  • Implementing Version Control
  • Choosing a Development Environment
  • Documenting Your Projects
  • Prototyping
  • Separating Logic and Content
  • Optimizing Code
  • Testing
  • Further Reading
  • Next

Debugging and Logging

  • Programming Errors
  • Variable Debugging Aid
  • Error Reporting Levels
  • Altering the Error Reporting Settings
  • Triggering Your Own Errors
  • Logging Errors Gracefully
  • Logging Errors to a Log File
  • Next

Building User Authentication and Personalization

  • Solution Components
  • Solution Overview
  • Implementing the Database
  • Implementing the Basic Site
  • Implementing User Authentication
  • Implementing Bookmark Storage and Retrieval
  • Implementing Recommendations
  • Considering Possible Extensions

Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part I

  • Introducing Laravel

Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part II

  • Building a Simple IMAP Client using Laravel
  • Pulling it All Together to Build a Web-based Email Client
  • Conclusion

Social Media Integration Sharing and Authentication

  • Web Service Authentication with OAuth
  • Conclusion

Building a Shopping Cart

  • Solution Components
  • Solution Overview
  • Implementing the Database
  • Implementing the Online Catalog
  • Implementing the Shopping Cart
  • Implementing Payment
  • Implementing an Administration Interface
  • Extending the Project

Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL

  • Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL Under UNIX
  • Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL for Windows and Mac OS X Using All-in-One Installation Packages
  • Installing PEAR
  • Installing PHP with Other Web Servers


PHP Crash Course

  • Creating a Form
  • Declaring Constants
  • Using Arithmetic Operators
  • Concatenating Strings
  • Using the Ternary Operator
  • Using the Type Operator
  • Creating an Output Form
  • Using the if Statement
  • Using the if-else Statement
  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the foreach Loop
  • Using the do-while Loop

Storing and Retrieving Data

  • Opening and Reading a File

Using Arrays

  • Creating an Array
  • Inserting and Retrieving Values from an Array Using the foreach Loop
  • Creating a Multi-dimensional Array
  • Sorting an Array
  • Generating a Random Value
  • Loading Arrays from a File

String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

  • Creating a Dynamic Form
  • Splitting Strings with Regular Expressions

Reusing Code and Writing Functions

  • Reusing the Code
  • Creating a Function
  • Using the Pass by Reference
  • Reversing a String Using Recursion and Iteration

Object-Oriented PHP

  • Creating an Instance of a Class
  • Implementing Function Overriding
  • Implementing Static Methods
  • Generating a Fizzbuzz Sequence

Error and Exception Handling

  • Creating a User-Defined Exception Class
  • Implementing Error Handling

Creating Your Web Database

  • Creating a Table

Working with Your MySQL Database

  • Inserting Values into a Table
  • Retrieving All the Attribute Values Using an Asterisk
  • Retrieving the Data from Multiple Tables
  • Retrieving the Data in Sorted Order
  • Using Aggregate Functions
  • Using the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses
  • Retrieving the Limited Number of Rows from the Table
  • Using the NOT IN Operator
  • Updating a Table
  • Modifying a Table Definition
  • Dropping a Table

Advanced MySQL Programming

  • Declaring a Basic Stored Procedure
  • Declaring a Stored Function
  • Using Cursors and Loops
  • Creating a Trigger

Implementing Authentication Methods with PHP

  • Implementing a Simple Authentication Mechanism

Interacting with the File System and the Server

  • Creating an HTML Form for File Upload
  • Displaying the Uploaded Files
  • Displaying the Directory List of the Uploaded Files

Using Network and Protocol Functions

  • Verifying the URL and Email Address

Managing the Date and Time

  • Calculating Age

Generating Images

  • Creating a Simple Line Graph

Using Session Control in PHP

  • Creating a Simple Session

Integrating JavaScript and PHP

  • Creating Functions Using jQuery

Other Useful Features

  • Listing the Extensions Available to PHP

Debugging and Logging

  • Declaring a Custom Error Handler

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PHP and MySQL are amongst the most popular programming languages and databases for web development. Learning these technologies will make you a high-demand skilled professional suitable for a variety of job roles including web developer, software engineer, full-stack developer, and more.

PHP is the server-side scripting language used to generate dynamic content on web pages whereas MySQL is the relational database management system (RDBMS). PHP acts as the bridge between the user and the database, while MySQL serves as the data storage and retrieval system. Both are needed to create interactive websites that can display personalized content, process user input, and manage data efficiently.

It is recommended to have a foundational knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to accelerate your learning and for better understanding. Although, it is a beginner-friendly course that will help you build on your web development skills gradually.

PHP and JavaScript both are programming languages for web development with distinctive features used for different purposes. PHP is used for server-side scripting whereas JavaScript is used for the client-side. PHP can generate the initial HTML structure of a page, while JavaScript can add dynamic elements and interactivity to the page.

This course primarily focuses on PHP and MySQL for web development. The use of JavaScript is only limited to PHP integration for adding interactive elements.

Build Websites From Scratch

  Step-by-step guide to enhance your web development skills with PHP and MySQL.

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